
用途 発電機燃料油用加熱器
業界 製鋼所 ごみ焼却設備 バイオマス発電設備 化学プラント設備
キーワード # 大気汚染 # 作業環境 # 健康






カジワラ熱交換器とは? (開発されてからの歴史)

Pin型カジワラ熱交換器の元祖は、スウェーデンのAB SVENSKA MASKINVERKEN社( 後のSUNROD International AB社 )により開発されたSUNROD Heat Exchanger で、日本には1960年頃からGADELIUS商会が輸入して販売していました。

Pin tube type KAJIWARA Heat Exchanger was developed by Swedish company “AB SVENSKA MASKINVERKEN” (Later the company name was changed to “SUNROD International AB”)
In 1960th, Japanese company “Gadelius K.K.” has started to import pin tube type heat exchanger to Japan.

鋼管の表面に熱伝導率の高いアルミピンを溶接し、裸管に比べて伝熱表面積を約8倍に拡大させる事により伝熱性能は抜群で、従来のShell & Tube式熱交換器に比べて小型・軽量に設計出来るため非常に注目を浴び、GADELIUS社の下請けとして、1964年から梶原鉄工所で製造を開始しました。

Due to it’s characteristic design of Pin tube (Aluminum pin is welded to the surface of carbon steel) the heating surface is extended 8 times larger compared to bare tube and heating efficiency is dramatically increased.
As Pin tube type heat exchanger can be smaller in outer dimension and weight compared to traditional shell & tube type heat exchanger, it became popular in Japanese market.
From 1964, KAJIWARA IRONWORKS Co., Ltd. has started manufacturing Pin tube type heat exchanger.

Coil Tube 型カジワラヒーターは、12Φ x 2t のチューブを螺旋状に巻いて組み立てたもので、直管式、U-チューブ式の熱交換器に比べ、伝熱効率が優れており特に油流量の多い範囲ではPin Tube 型よりも短くできます。

Coil Tube type KAJIWARA Heat Exchanger also has unique design heating element.
Number of OD12mm x t2.0mm bare tubes are spiral winded and combined to construct the heating element.
Compare to the traditional shell & tube type heat exchanger, heat transfer efficiency of Coil tube type heat exchanger is larger.

Coil Tube 型カジワラヒーターは、1975年頃から梶原鉄工所で製作を開始しました。

Kajiwara Ironworks started manufacturing the Coil tube type heat exchanger from 1975.

2017年現在の総生産台数(Pin型+Coil Tube型)は70,000台を超えています。

Kajiwara Ironworks has manufactured and delivered more than 70,000 sets of heat exchanger as of April 2017.

カジワラ熱交換器は、Pin tube型、Coil tube型共に全溶接構造で、振動に強く舶用油加熱器として、日本のほとんどの造船所様にご愛顧頂いております。

Almost Japanese shipyard choose KAJIWARA Heat Exchanger as Oil Heater because of it’s trouble free construction.
All of the heating tubes of both Pin tube and Coil tube type heat exchanger are welded to the tube plate which leads to free from trouble caused by vibration.

Summary of Advantage

  • – Long history of more than 50 years which gave us the accumulation of knowledge and experience.
  • – More than 70,000sets of delivery reference supported by Reliability of many customers.
  • – Compact and light weight construction realized by expanded heating surface.
  • – Trouble free due to the all welded construction which provide easy maintenance to user.



The high viscosity liquid like as oil is hard to transfer the heat.
KAJIWARA Heat Exchanger has large efficiency of transferring the condensate heat of saturated steam to oil, due to it’s extended large heating surface of oil side.
It means Kajiwara heat exchanger is the best selection of steam oil heater.

用途 Application

最近の船舶の大半は、ディーゼルエンジンで駆動します。通常、エンジン入口で燃料油の粘度を 10~15CStにする事が求められており、Redwood No.1 – 1,500秒(*)の燃料では、125℃程度まで加熱する必要があります。
Main Engine Fuel Oil Heater
For good injection of Fuel oil to main engine, it is required to keep the fuel oil viscosity between 10 – 15cst at main engine inlet.
To reduce the fuel oil viscosity, it is required to increase the temperature.
Example of fuel oil temperature at heater outlet:
380cst at 50DEG Fuel oil: 135 – 140DEG at heater outlet.
500cst at 50DEG Fuel oil: 145 – 150DEG at heater outlet.
Generator Engine Fuel Oil Heater
Same as Main Engine F.O. Heater
主機・発電機で燃焼する油は、清浄機にかけて油中の水分や不純物を除去する必要があります。 清浄機では遠心分離機で、水を含む油よりも比重の大きい不純物を除去しますが、水分が蒸発しない様に燃料油の場合で出口温度は100℃以下に押える必要があります。ヒーター入口はセットリングタンクの60℃程度で、清浄された油はサービスタンクに保存されます。
Purifier Fuel Oil Heater
Water or foreign material to be removed from Fuel Oil by Purifier before supplied to Main Engine or Generator Engine.
Purifier remove foreign material and water which is heavier than oil by means of centrifugation.
It is required to keep the Fuel Oil temperature lower than 100DEG to avoid water evaporation during the Purifier operation.
Oil inlet temperature of Purifier F.O. Heater is about 60DEG which is almost same as F.O. Temperature in the F.O. settling tank.
Oil outlet temperature of Purifier F.O. Heater is about 95 – 98DEG.
Purified F.O. is stored in the service tank.
主機や発電機等に使用される潤滑油も清浄機にかけて、 シリンダーの削り粉等の不純物を除去します。 潤滑油の種類にもよりますが、ヒーター入口で50℃、出口は90℃位が一般的です。
Purifier Lubricating Oil Heater
Lubrication oil which is used for Main Engine or Generator Engine also required to purify from foreign material like as metal chips from engine cylinder etc.
L.O. temperature at oil heater inlet: about 45-50DEG
L.O. temperature at oil heater outlet: about 90 – 95DEG (up to kind of L.O.)
Boiler Fuel Oil Heater
Boiler fuel oil viscosity to be lower than 50cst at burner inlet for good combustion.
Fuel oil temperature at heater outlet is required to be heated up to 110 – 125DEG.
As purified Fuel oil is not required for boiler F.O, Fuel oil from settling tank is supplied which temperature is about 60DEG.
ストレージタンクは通常ベースヒーターと言って、タンクの底に蛇管を敷き詰め、低圧蒸気か温水を通して、油が流動するために必要な温度を確保しておく必要があります。この蛇管は高価で、海水を含む油の不純物等で腐食されやすく、定期的に交換する必要があります。 そのため最近では、移送用のポンプで油を循環し、その途中にヒーターを置いて油を加熱し、タンクに戻してタンク温度をキープする方法が多くなりました。 それで蛇管を従来よりも減らす事が出来ます。その用途に設置されるのがシフター加熱器で、通常タンク温度の50℃から90℃位まで加熱した後タンクに戻されます。
Shifter Fuel Oil Heater
In traditional system, Fuel oil in the F.O. storage tank is kept it’s temperature by means of base heater. (Steam heating tubes are installed at tank bottom.)
Once the base heater tubes are damaged, it is very difficult to repair as the tank is filled by F.O. (Tank to be empty for repair or renewal work)
Recently shifter F.O. heater is adopted instead of base heater.
Fuel oil in the tank is supplied to Shifter F.O. heater by transfer pump then the heated F.O. is returned to the tank.
F.O. inlet temperature to Shifter F.O. heater is same as tank temperature of ab.50DEG and heated up to ab. 90DEG.
蒸気の代わりにサーマルオイル等の熱媒を加熱源にした油加熱器。熱媒油式油加熱器にはコイルチューブ式が採用されます。  Coil Tube型の構造上、熱媒の出口座は上向きにして、熱媒を満たす時に空気が排出されやすく設計しています。
Thermal oil heater
In case of thermal oil is used instead of steam as heating medium, Coil tube type heater is recommended.
(Pin tube type is designed only for steam heating system.)
Thermal oil outlet nozzle is located at the upper side of the heater for the purpose of good air venting.
Industrial use Heat exchanger
KAJIWARA heat exchanger is also used for Land use like as
Diesel generator Fuel oil heater
Purifier Fuel & Lub. Oil heater
Thermal power plant boiler F.O. heater.
Tank suction heater (Industrial use)
Tank suction heater is installed to the side wall of C-heavy oil tank.
As the heater is installed at suction side of the transfer pump, it’s oil side pressure drop to be lower than the water head of the tank.
10.Coil tube型は、コイルチューブ内に蒸気・熱媒油を通す事により、油加熱器として使用されますが、コイルチューブの材質をステンレス(SUS316L)にして、温水で油を加熱する時にも使用できます。
Other fluid than oil
Coil tube type heat exchanger is possible to change the casing &/or coil tube material to Stainless steel (SUS316L) instead of carbon steel.
By using the stainless steel, other corrosive fluid like as water can be treated as heating and / or heated medium.
11.昨今、船舶にも環境汚染対策を要求され、特定の港では、硫黄分の非常に少ないMGO ( Marine Gas Oil )の使用が要求されます。この油は非常に低粘度のため、逆に温度を下げて主機前で1.5~2CStの粘度に必要があります。
Marine Gas Oil (MGO) Cooler
Along with the requirement of environmental pollution reduction, Marine Gas Oil (MGO) is used as Ship’s Fuel.
MGO to be cooled down to increase it’s viscosity to ab. 1.5 – 2cst.
Coil tube type heat exchanger with stainless steel coil tube (BNR type) is used as MGO Cooler.
But, cooling medium is limited to only Fresh water. (Sea water could not be used for BNR type)
Spiral shaped coil tube is difficult to clean up the tube inside once contaminated with marine life like as shellfish kind.

